Last night the phone rang after business hours. It was a good friend of mine; Liam is a trucker I have a tremendous amount of respect for because of how successful this young man is at 27. I was still trying to get away from working a factory job when I was his age, this is something I am glad he will never know.
Liam called to tell me he had left his current client who had been paying another truck more money on the same run to go work for someone else who was willing to pay him a fair wage in todays market.
As a freight broker who handles multiple load projects all the time, I know how important it is that you pay everyone the same. If you think these guys are not talking to each other when they are working a similar job you are wrong, and the topic of conversation will eventually lead to what did Sean pay you?
This is just one thing I do that makes a project go smoother with less problems than another broker who is just trying to fill their own pockets.
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