Many people fail to practice common sense when it comes to how you should eat, and drink when you travel. So, here are a few tips for the road:
1 Never overeat – Digesting food is work for the body that can make you tired, and uncomfortable.
2 Avoid consuming foods with a lot of sugar - This can be anything sweet from sodas to candy that will make you drowsy after you come down from the initial rush. I have been told by a trucker who used to run overnights that in small doses it can help keep you awake too.
3 It is good to be slightly chilled – having the vehicle be too warm or wearing a heavy coat is another thing to avoid, always keep a chill in the air.
4 Music is a good idea – Listening to music you like that is upbeat, or something you can sing along with is a tremendous plus.
5 Audio books are good too – A audio book you are interested in can be almost as good as a passenger in the seat next to you, that you can engage in conversation.
6 Drinking too many fluids – Always looking for the next toilet does not keep the left door shut.
Sean McCoy
Real McCoy Freight Specialist
Silver Agent at Sureway Transportation Company