The phone call had come in to move machine four to California. I made reservations not being concerned about the cost to take care of my best client. I boarded a plane and flew to Las Vegas so; I was in position to leave as soon as we could get the permits together.
It had only been a few months since the first time I got to meet Ricardo in Las Vegas to move machine five out of the home shop to California. Our first run went so well it was a no brainer to call my good friend to do a repeat.
We had planned to work on the permits, but we were still having trouble with the State of California. It took a phone call from me to the D.O.T. to get it done, even with the help of a permitting agency. I managed to pull it off again, and the client was happy.
The permits were done, and the machine was ready. It was time for Ricardo to come get me on his way to pick up the machine.