It is now 2:30 a.m. Tereza and I are enjoying Jason’s company as we wait for a tow truck. I decided to call to find out when the truck would arrive. They promised us, it would be there right away. Another hour passes, and I call again, this time they tell us to “leave the keys under the mat and to leave the car with the doors unlocked. The tow truck would be there shortly, and we could go to the hotel.” I said, “I will not be responsible for the car and they said, “ok”. We waited around for a bit longer before the wife had to use the toilet.
I called for an Uber, that driver could not find us and left. The second guy Jason talked to and was able to tell the driver where we were. That driver was able to find Tereza and I, then he took us to the hotel.
Now I must tell you why Jason was there at that time of night. He was not embarrassed about it at all, but he was there to get the best stuff the store throws away right before they close. He made a few trips to the dumpster and back munching away on sandwiches, and other items that had just went out of date. He stopped to offer us items he pulled out and we were like, “No thanks, we just ate.”