The person who loses the most is the client, why? If the best broker you think you have, is such a scoundrel that they convinced someone to take a load for less, it usually means they were not honest about something. The other is they hired a trucker that is inexperienced and does not know any better.
Typically, what happens is there is some sort of a problem that the truck must confront the shipper/broker about. This can be a lot of different things, here is one example using a crane. The client has told the broker that the machine has all the options and weighs 110,000 pounds. The scoundrel the client hired, told the trucker it only weighed 106,000lbs to avoid falling into super load status. His rate was considerably less than the good broker, and most clients are all about doing it for less so, he was awarded the load. The truck gets loaded and goes to the first scale, he is overloaded and can not continue. The next thing he says is “I am not going anywhere, you need to come get this off my truck, I do not have enough axles to haul it.”. To fix this problem is very expensive, and time consuming. All that was gained with a low rate is now lost and then some.
Avoid problems by hiring one experienced freight broker with honesty, integrity, class, and a reputation for being the best.